Englisch Summary

of the Stuttgarter Fliegerclub for our international guests

Ready for Takeoff?

The Stuttgarter Fliegerclub is a flying club, which is only offering engine powered flight. Our home is the airflied Pattonville (EDTQ), north of Stuttgart in Germany. We operate three aircrafts for charter, which are capable of VFR Day/Night and IFR flights, furthermore we offer flight schooling.

The Stuttgarter Fliegerclub (SFC) has been founded in 2020, as a former part of the „Aeroclub Stuttgart“ founded in 1956. The flying club is a non-profit orgaisation managed by its voluntary members.

We are the right place to learn flying or to charter an aircraft as experienced pilot. Please have a look at our website and contact us if you have any questions.

Ready to get to know us?


Our fleet consits of three nicely kept airplanes

Aquila A211

Cessna 172 SP

Cessna 172 P


The Stuttgarter Fliegerclub always welcomes new memebers, either „pedestraians“ as well as pilots with every level of experience. Please note that we are only offering powered motor flying (no gliding). We expect our members to be helpful, tolerant and willing to participate in common activities. There’s no joining fee.

Flight school

The Stuttgarter Fliegerclub offers training to qualify private pilots according european rules. Four flight instructors and three airplanes are availible for theoretical and practical lessons. The flight school aims for highest safety satndards including regular refresher trainign for our instructors.
For detailed information please see our website or contact us.